Friday, February 3, 2017

Almost 3 years later...

So I started a blog and then only posted once. That's about how I do things, start things and then have a hard time finishing them. I'm trying to do better at that so my goal is to post at least twice a month. It gives me a good start and hopefully I'll get into the habit and post more. So I'll start with an update:

Not just one more baby.. but 2!

Since the last time I posted, we have added two new kiddos to our family. Dean Curtis Sorensen (Deano) was born on May 18, 2015 and Maylin Kate Sorensen (May) was born on June 23, 2016.

Deano is almost two. He is such a special little boy who has more feelings than either of his sisters and you can't make him do anything he doesn't want to. He's going to have his hands full with his two sisters as they will boss him around as they get older. He's also got the sweetest spirit and loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses.

May is seven months old and a little firecracker. She's been talking and yelling for the last three months and she's ready to start moving. She doesn't sit still to save her life! May loves baby food (which I could never get the other two to ever eat) and she loves her siblings. She's very active and sleeps like a champ, when she's feeling well.

Finn has become THE BEST big sister. She loves to "mom" Deano and entertain May. They both adore her and I hope Curtis and I are able to help them keep a good relationship as they continue to grow together.

School. dun dun dun!!

Or..almost done. Curtis has 4 semesters (including the current one) left before he graduates. I seriously can't tell you how excited I am to have an end in sight. He has worked really hard over the last couple years going to school, working, and helping me through my pregnancies. It's fun to hear him get excited about his classes as he is taking higher level classes that pertain to his major. It will be exciting to have another engineer in the family:)

And work..

I recently went back to work. I started working at Best Buy with Curtis, just to get him through the rest of school. I work in costumer service and it's not so bad. So far I've only had people mad at me a few times, so I'm off to a good start. It has been quite a transition for myself and the kiddos. We tried having them in daycare but it's not really working out. I am so lucky to have the family I have around here that are willing to take and love my kiddos while Curtis and I are at work/school.

That's all I have for right now.. Next post will hopefully be more writing and less update:)